
Three protagonists

  The 2D universe of GTA games allowed players to choose one protagonist out of a batch of them . It didn't fundamentally change anything except the color of the pixels that appeared on the screen.  Also, players could only play as one protagonist throughout the whole game. Later GTA games only had a singular protagonist; there were no options to play as somebody else. GTA 5 changed all of that . Now, players could play as either Franklin, Michael, or Trevor at any point in the story (once they unlock the latter two). Some missions require the player to play as multiple protagonists, adding extra depth to the otherwise formulaic GTA style .

GTA Online Casino

  Although GTA Online is technically a separate game, GTA 5 players can still access it. GTA Online will be considered a standalone title only after GTA 5 launches on the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Hence, there is a strong connection between the two games. It's worth mentioning that GTA Online has a plethora of unique features absent from GTA 5. However, the opposite is also true . In the case of GTA Online, it allows one to enjoy a multiplayer experience with other real-life players. This simple feature makes GTA 5 gunfights feel more exciting to play. It's accessible and slows down time, so players won't feel pressured to find the right weapon.


Many gamers have memories of Tommy Vercetti being unable to swim in Vice City of all places. It was terribly inconvenient, especially in a game with water being so prevalent. Sadly, many other GTA games shared this inconvenience. Fortunately, GTA San Andreas was not one of them. Not only did it allow players to swim, but it also granted them the ability to dive underwater . That latter feature was never present in previous GTA games and was notably absent in most titles thereafter. GTA San Andreas is the one GTA game that most closely resembles a classic RPG. It has various skills that a player can train, some of which are tied to customization 


  Despite having the largest map in the series, GTA 5 can feel incredibly barren. The map lacks points of interest, and much of it is filler content. The lack of accessible interiors is another reason for disappointment. Eateries and other types of buildings are also missing A major difference between GTA 4 and 5, which is often highlighted by fans, is the game physics. GTA 4 introduced some of the most advanced game physics ever made in video games . Its successor, however, turned out to be a significant downgrade when it comes to physics. Although it is not always noticeable, a realistic experience benefits from better physics.


  Combat in GTA 5 is a step down from previous games. Although melee is more or less the same, gunfights can often be annoying since the aiming isn't very intuitive. GTA San Andreas had different fighting styles available for melee combat . Rockstar could have implemented a similar system in GTA casino. GTA 5 is surprisingly long, despite having fewer missions than GTA San Andreas. The heists in particular were a unique and pleasant experience. Since Rockstar never added any DLCs for the game, they could've at least added new missions.

Walk underwater glitch

  Tommy Vercetti can't swim. Unfortunately, nobody in GTA Vice City can. However, there is still a way for Tommy to go underwater. The player only needs to make a pedestrian forcefully eject him into a body of water. The pier by the lighthouse is an excellent place to perform this glitch, albeit it should work anywhere. After Tommy Vercetti gets up, he will be on the ocean floor. The main drawback of this glitch is that he will drown once he approaches the top part of any body of water. GTA Vice City players can also see how there's virtually no ocean floor, which makes this glitch amusing to execute.

Ghost world

GTA Vice City introduced interiors into the GTA franchise, but it didn't do so well. There are a few ways to trick the game and leave the interior yet maintain the interior aesthetic . This statement means that the player will see an empty world, yet all objects' collisions are still technically there. The easiest and most popular way to do this glitch is by taking a motorcycle into the Pole Position Club. Once the player is at the club, they should drive out of it. It's simple, yet its effects are fascinating to witness in GTA Vice City. Hidden Packages still appear, although objects that normally block them are still present. Hence, some players might enjoy utilizing this glitch to collect all Hidden Packages.